My daughter, Dani was a beautiful 14 year old, loving life and all that it offers, when she was suddenly diagnosed with an Astrosytoma brain tumor in Nov. ’08. This, as you can imagine was a sudden shock. After a recent visit to the pediatrician, they then discovered the tumor in her brain. After unsuccessful surgery, Dani started chemo. This was a very difficult year. Dani was homebound and very miserable. To top it off, she lost contact with all of her friends. Dani persevered, while still maintaining a 4.0 grade average. Unfortunately, the chemo had no effect on the tumor.
We submitted an application to Christopher’s cure to help the expenses that are involved with my daughter’s diagnosis. They generously responded in our time of need. We had to take several unpaid days off work in order to take her to the many appointments, along with just being by her side as she received her treatments. The fund will also help with the transportation to and from Good Samaritan. We were able to spend some additional quality time with Dani and did not have the pressures that come with financial issues.
The Koenes family,
Kristy, Brad, Dani & Jacob